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Herbal Hair Oil

ARSHES Herbal Hair Oil: Beautiful hair isn't just about shine; it's about overall health. Arshes Hair Oil brings to you the elixir of nature's best ingredients, aiming to breathe life back into your tresses. Whether you're combating baldness, taming dandruff, or simply seeking that lustre, this hair oil is your ultimate solution.

Meticulously formulated, Arshes hair oil caters to the myriad of hair problems we encounter daily. Be it the uncontrollable frizz, the unwelcome dandruff, or the receding hairline - this oil has been crafted keeping in mind the vast spectrum of hair issues. The blend of essential oils and potent herbs ensure not just treatment but also prevention, leaving your hair feeling nourished and rejuvenated.

Key Ingredients & Benefits:

Ingredient Benefit
Bharingraj and Javakusum Strengthens hair and promotes growth.
Brahmi Enhances blood circulation, revitalizing hair roots.
Neem Fights dandruff and improves scalp health.
Lemon Oil Cleanses scalp and balances oil production.
Lavender and Rosemary Oils Provides a soothing aroma and promotes hair thickness.
Coconut and Soya Bean Oils Deeply moisturizes and conditions the hair.


  • • For optimal results, immerse your fingertips in Arshes Hair Oil and gently massage starting from the nape, moving upwards and covering the entirety of the scalp. Conclude at the temples, ensuring every inch of your scalp feels the goodness of the oil.

Safety Assurance:

  • • Be at ease as Arshes Hair Oil poses no adverse effects, even with prolonged usage.

Packaging Details:

  • • Conveniently available in a 100ml PET bottle.